Tuesday, November 11, 2008

If only there was more time.....

Unfortunately I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would have like to BaronByron lately so things have kinda fallen to a state of disrepair. The house and work have been keeping me pretty busy. But I've had a little more time lately so I've started to clean up shop. So here's what's new in my little world:

ETSY: Thanks to my wonderful wife for taking some new pictures I was able to update a few listings here, here, here, and here.

FLICKR: I finally got descriptions up for all of my photos. I'm not sure why it took me this long to realize I had descriptions already when I posted these on Etsy.

MAIL MARKET: Posted several more items that have been in my Etsy shop for a bit and with links to my Etsy shop. I still need to update some photos here but all of my wares are up to see as well as a listing for a copper byzantine bracelet to be made as ordered.

DEVIANT ART: This is the remaining aspect of BaronByron that stills needs tidying up. Really all I need to do is add all the pictures that aren't up yet, but it can be quite time consuming.

1 comment:

Kim Caro said...

i used to have deviant art when it first started